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OpenSearch Keyword search only

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Cross Library Search Tips

Търси:Enter the keywords to be searched. Click on Search to execute searching. Click on Start Over to clear search field(s) and database selections. Note that when a Z39.50 database is among the databases selected, you may use the drop-down field selection list to limit Z39.50 results to matching entries (e.g., Title – first chars in field). When an A9/OpenSearch databases is selected, a keyword search is performed.

Select database(s): Click on the database name or the related check box to include the selected database in your search. One or more databases may be selected.

Results: A summary of databases searched and the number of entries found in each database displays. Databases with results display as a hyperlink. The results for the first database with results displays by default below the Search Summary. Click on any hyperlinked database name to display the related results. Click on the Databases Selected link to re-display the library databases available for searching.

Database format: Three types of databases may be available for selection: Z39.50, A9/OpenSearch, and SUTRS.